By Karen Dawson, President IACO
The Interfaith Association of Central Ohio (IACO) works towards helping Central Ohio to become a vibrant Interfaith Community.
We do this through creating interfaith relationships based on understanding, friendship and trust.

IACO’s values are reflected in our work: Educating the public about customs and practices of faith traditions; Advocating for social justice, peace, and human dignity;
Promoting interfaith gatherings and events that address local and global concerns; Partnering with other faith and peace-focused organizations.
Most importantly, we carry out our work by “LISTENING TO EACH OTHER”. Below, is the Chinese Word that means: To Listen. Look at what goes in to “listening.”
I hope that all of us will practice listening to each other.
To the right are the Chinese Characters that together make up the verb “TO LISTEN”. The characters that make up the word “To Listen” are: Ears, Eyes, Undivided Attention, and Heart. Together, they tell us “To Listen.”