Counting Down to IACO’s Main Event! Spotlight on Community Refugee & Immigration Services
We are just 23 days away from our annual Main Event fundraiser! Registration will close in just 16 days.
We would like to once again invite you and any interested members of your organization/faith community to join us Sunday, August 14 as we host our annual fundraiser, the Main Event. The event will be held at the Bharatiya Hindu Temple, 3671 Hyatts Road, Powell, OH 43065-1466, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. We are offering two attendance options: In-person luncheon ($25) or an on-line (program only - $10).
Registration and payment is online only - https:/
This year’s theme - Welcoming New Americans: Faith Perspectives and Responsibilities has renewed significance because of the number of groups arriving in our community from various parts of the world. Our perspective will explore the pressures which individuals have faced propelling themselves to our shores.
Included among the speakers will be those who have experienced the transition to America and both faith and social service leaders who have assisted those and others. Specifically, our keynote will be delivered by Joe Mas, Vice Mayor of Worthington. Responses to the keynote will be offered by Rev. Trip Porch, Pastor, Indianola Presbyterian Church; Luma Mufleh, Founder and Director of Fugees Family, Inc.; and Rakesh Thaploo, IACO President and Global Technical Executive.
Representatives from CRIS - Community Refugee and Immigration Services and US Together will also be present to provide information and opportunities to support our new neighbors.
You can also purchase an entire table! Bring your faith community/family/friends to this informative events - Contact if you would like to purchase a table.
In-Person Table: $200.00 - includes 8 admissions to the event
On-Line: $100 - includes 10 on-line attendees to the event
We hope you will join us!
About one of our supporters
Community Refugee and Immigration Services - CRIS
Mission: To help refugees and immigrants reach safety and stability, sustain self-sufficiency, and achieve successful integration into the Central Ohio community.
CRIS is an independent non-profit organization that serves the refugee and immigrant populations in Central Ohio. They have over 50 staff members from all over the world who speak many different languages. They offer a wide array of programs and services aimed to facilitate sustained self-sufficiency and successful integration for the people we serve.
Among other things, CRIS is a refugee resettlement agency. As an affiliate of Church World Service, they have a cooperative agreement with the Department of State to directly receive and place refugees in the central Ohio community.
Services/Programs Offered:
Victims of Crime Assistance
Family Services
Parenting for LEP
Ohio’s Early Intervention Program
Employment & ESL
Older Refugees & Immigrants
Refugee Health & Wellness
Matching Grants
IACO is pleased to be working with CRIS to provide our interfaith community with opportunities to help new Americans.