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July 1 - Health Care Equity & Reform: A Faith-Based Community Form

Join us at noon on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 for another IACO faith-based community forum. This program will focus on health care equity and the challenges with reform.

Our presenter for this event is Dr. Becky Sutherland Cornett. Dr. Cornett is retired from OSU Wexner Medical Center after a 3-decade career that encompassed clinical services, operations management, regulatory compliance, government affairs, and strategy and planning. She has contributed over 130 professional presentations and publications, including two textbooks on communication disorders, and book chapters and articles on health care quality, utilization, policy, and regulation. She is a board member for SourcePoint, League of Women Voters of Delaware County, and the Delaware County Transit Board. She also serves on a national level with Women for Economic & Leadership Development, most recently as curriculum writer and faculty for WELD's Government Boards and Commissions Certification Program.

The format is a Zoom meeting where registrants are given the opportunity to enter break out sessions to discuss the topics presented by Dr. Cornett. During the break out sessions, those choosing to watch the event via Facebook live stream have the opportunity to ask questions using the comment section of Facebook.

To register for the Zoom meeting please click here

To watch via Facebook live please click here at noon, on Wednesday, July 1.



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